上海峰志儀器有限公司shanghai fengzhi instrument co,.ltd


作者:上海峰志 時間:2021-02-10 09:37:17瀏覽1949 次


閃儀是一種轉(zhuǎn)動設(shè)備診斷檢查工具,用于閃爍高強度光以在運動部件上產(chǎn)生定格效果。主要目的是測量電機或風扇在 300 轉(zhuǎn)/分鐘 (RPM) 或以上運行時的轉(zhuǎn)速 (RPM)。人眼不會解釋定格動畫效果低于 300 轉(zhuǎn)/分。要測量電機的轉(zhuǎn)速 (RPM),頻閃儀必須能夠看到零件表面的完整 360° 旋轉(zhuǎn)。零件應該有某種標記,可以用作旋轉(zhuǎn)面上的參考點。


頻閃儀是一種轉(zhuǎn)動設(shè)備診斷檢查工具,用于閃爍高強度光以在運動部件上產(chǎn)生定格效果。主要目的是測量電機或風扇在 300 轉(zhuǎn)/分鐘 (RPM) 或以上運行時的轉(zhuǎn)速 (RPM)。人眼不會解釋定格動畫效果低于 300 轉(zhuǎn)/分。要測量電機的轉(zhuǎn)速 (RPM),頻閃儀必須能夠看到零件表面的完整 360° 旋轉(zhuǎn)。零件應該有某種標記,可以用作旋轉(zhuǎn)面上的參考點。通常,放置在風扇主軸或電機軸上的標簽或點會起作用。假設(shè)頻閃儀能夠在產(chǎn)品的旋轉(zhuǎn)速度范圍內(nèi)閃爍,稱為閃光頻率,您將調(diào)整頻閃儀以通過停止運動使參考點可見。閃光頻率以每分鐘閃光數(shù) (FPM) 為單位測量。 FPM 相當于 RPM。 4X 真實轉(zhuǎn)速的 FPM 將產(chǎn)生 4 個參考點。 3X 的 FPM 產(chǎn)生 3,而 2X 只產(chǎn)生兩個。通過從zui大設(shè)置向下調(diào)整閃光速率,參考點zui終將顯示為單個可視對象。一旦您只看到一個固定參考點,頻閃儀就會設(shè)置為產(chǎn)品的真實轉(zhuǎn)速 (RPM)。為了確認,將閃光頻率除以二。您仍將看到單個圖像,但該圖像會出現(xiàn)相位或沿相反方向緩慢旋轉(zhuǎn)。


LUYOR-905頻閃儀是一款手持式 LED 頻閃儀。其緊湊的 4.9” X 2.8” X 1.3” 尺寸和內(nèi)置鋰電池操作使其非常便攜。輕松旋轉(zhuǎn)旋鈕和準確的閃光速率和閃光相位調(diào)整。LUYOR-905閃速范圍為 20 至 20,000 FPM。 LUYOR-905 LED 頻閃儀中采用的創(chuàng)新微處理器設(shè)計和 LUXEON LED 技術(shù)為這款袖珍型頻閃燈提供了在這個價位上理想的亮度和電池壽命。提供可選的三腳架。 LUYOR-905 可以直接從我們的網(wǎng)站 http://yelanggroup.cn/pinshanyi/LUYOR-905.html   訂購(每件 4800元 – 現(xiàn)已上市)。 


RPM:Rotational per minute,rpm就是每分鐘轉(zhuǎn)動多少次。

轉(zhuǎn)速(Rotational Speed或Rev)是做圓周運動的物體單位時間內(nèi)沿圓周繞圓心轉(zhuǎn)過的圈數(shù)(與頻率不同)。

轉(zhuǎn)速的標準單位為rps (轉(zhuǎn)/秒)或 rpm (轉(zhuǎn)/分),也有表示為RPM (轉(zhuǎn)/分 ,主要為日本和歐洲采用,我國采用標準)。

FPM= flashes per minute,FPM就是每分鐘閃爍次數(shù),F(xiàn)PM相當于RPM.


What is a stroboscope and how to use one?

Stroboscopes are diagnostic inspection tools used to flash a high intensity light to create a stop motion effect on a moving part. The primary purpose is to measure the rotational speed (RPM) of a motor or fan when in operation at or above 300 revolutions per minute (RPM). The human eye won’t interpret a stop motion effect below 300 RPM.

To measure the rotational speed (RPM) of a motor, the stroboscope must be able to see the full 360° rotation of a face on the part. The part should have some sort of marking that can be used as a reference point on the rotational face. Often a label or dot placed on the spindle of a fan or shaft of a motor will work. Assuming the stroboscope is capable of flashing within the range of the rotational speed of the product, known as the flash rate, you will be to adjust the stroboscope to make the reference point visible through stop motion. The flash rate is measured in flashes per minute (FPM). FPM is the equivalent to RPM. A FPM of 4X the true rotational speed will produce 4 reference points. A FPM of 3X produces 3 and 2X only two. By adjusting the flash rate down from the maximum setting, the reference point will eventually appear as a single viewable object. Once you see just one stationary reference point, the stroboscope is set to the true rotational speed (RPM) of the product. To confirm, divide the flash rate in half. You will still see a single image but the image will appear to phase or spin slow in the opposite direction.

LUYOR-905 stroboscope is a hand-held LED stroboscope. Its compact 4.9” X 2.8” X 1.3” size and battery  operation makes it very portable. A six button membrane allows for easy and accurate flash rate and flash phase adjustments. The LabStrobe flash rate range is 20 to 20,000 FPM. The innovative microprocessor design and LUXEON LED technology incorporated into the LUYOR-905 LED Stroboscope provides this pocket sized strobe with unparalleled brightness and battery life at this price point. An optional tripod is available. LUYOR-905 can be ordered directly from our website at  http://yelanggroup.cn/pinshanyi/LUYOR-905.html     (RMB4800.00 ea. – available now).

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